What does success look like?

Screen Shot 2017-10-19 at 12.12.25 PMWhoever told you there is such a thing as an overnight success was lying to you. If you’ve ever heard from someone that successful people are just lucky, that too is a lie. There is no secret to success, it’s just that the recipe for success is distasteful to most people, and that is why not everyone has it. Success is not an accident. It is hard work, perseverance, sacrifice, studying and trial and error. Success is also taking a leap of faith when most other people take the safe route.

When I relaunched fibi & clo, I brought forth into the world an opportunity for many people to become successful, and a new and refreshing way for consumers to purchase shoes and sandals. But I also told everyone who joined that this journey would be similar to climbing a mountain. Like with mountain climbing, the first part of the climb is fun and exciting, and your adrenaline is masking all the minor pains that your effort is bringing forth. However, the middle part is where it gets interesting, and when the initial excitement and adrenaline wear off. Those climbers who will reach the summit, like those entrepreneurs that will build a successful business, share one trait: they believe that if they continue taking the right steps, they will reach the peak. Those that are not successful are the ones that doubt their own strength, and the middle part of the climb,  and of building a business, becomes too hard and difficult, and they quit.

At fibi & clo we are right in the middle of an exciting climb. In 8 months we’ve proven to the world that our business model works, and we keep taking the right steps forward to become a massive company.

What do the people who reach the top look like? Well, take a look at this picture right here. These are the ladies that are hosting shoe parties and participating in vendor events. This year we only had about ten styles of sandals, but these ladies made magic happen with little. Next year we will have many times the amount of styles, as well as jewelry, more boots and new and exciting product lines.

It’s going to be a great view at the top. Care to join?

Agent Spotlight – Sherri Zummo

Sherri Zummo

For this spotlight we decided to share a testimonial written by Sherri herself. Thank you Sherri for sharing!


Nineteen years ago, my life took a path that wasn’t planned. At that time, I had a 4 year old daughter and worked a full time job. In May of 1998, I gave birth to my son and chaos instantly erupted. 

After a traumatic delivery that almost took my son’s life, I realized my life would never be the same. My new life became consumed with hospitals, surgeries, therapists, medical equipment, and with my transition to becoming a full time stay-at-home mom.

My son is profoundly deaf, autistic, intellectually disabled, legally blind and has significant medical issues. He has been through 28 surgeries in his 19 years of life.

Throughout the years I tried a couple part-time jobs in order to get out of the house while my son was at school, but my son’s health and unpredictable hospital stays made these jobs unsustainable.  I stopped working, and relied solely on my husband’s income to support our family. 

To make matters work, I was diagnosed with Lupus. I was at a low point, and I didn’t see how things would ever get better.

But then a miracle happened. I have a close circle of friends, and one of them had decided to join a small company called fibi & clo. I didn’t think much of it until she can for a visit, and happened to wear the Smoke Cascade sandals. It was love at first sight.  

I had never done direct sales, and until that point I didn’t have any interest in direct sales, but I started to ask my friend question after question. I decided to take the plunge. This opportunity provided me the flexibility I needed for my son, and it fit perfectly with my personality and with my passions.  

I remember vividly the first month that I joined… I was sitting in the kitchen at 2am working on the computer for my business. My husband walked into the kitchen and said,

“Why are you doing this, don’t you have enough stress in your life?”

I replied,

“You don’t understand, this is actually a stress relief for me. It gives me something to focus on outside of the life of a special needs mom. It has given me back a piece of the woman I once knew myself to be. This is something that is just for Sherri. This is fun, it’s sparkly, and the company’s atmosphere is filled with love and support. THIS is exactly what I NEED in my life.”

fibi & clo has been a blessing in my life, I am very passionate about our company and about what I do. I have made friendships with amazing women. I get to make money doing something I love, wearing something I love, amidst a company I love. All while still being the mom and advocate I will always need to be for the rest of my life.

Thank you fibi & clo ❤

Sherri Zummo Independent Fashion Leader

Five month review


  • Over 350K in commissions paid out
  • Over 5000 Ambassadors and Agents
  • We have an experienced and engaged Field Leadership team
  • Over 12,000 shoes sold
  • Shoe and sandal deliveries are now consistently on time and ship same day
  • We have caught up with demand and have zero backorders
  • Customer Service times are now under 24 hours

Team work makes the dream work, and our team at HQ as well as out in the field is second to none. The future looks even brighter.

Want to get in on the ground floor? The window is closing fast. Please check out fibiandclo.com and email Hello@fibiandclo.com to be paired up with a Fashion Leader near you.

Agent Spotlight – Liz Polasek


fibi & clo will give you the platform to succeed… All we need from you in the commitment and passion. This testimonial is from an Agent who recently made the Fashion Leader rank and is well on her way to the Director rank. We are quite convinced she will be making significant revenue as we continue to grow. We love strong leaders and learners like Liz. Leaders must be willing to learn first. Keep in mind that Liz also works a full time job as a Sergeant in the Liberty County Police Force.

Here is what Liz had to say about her success.

I made it to Fashion Agent in less than a week after signing up! I’m super excited and Adriana asked to share some things that I’ve been doing.

First, I created a Facebook group. I personally individually messaged each friend or family member that I thought would love fibi & clo as much as I do. I told them a little about the shoes, and then asked them if they would like to join my group page, and shared the link with them. Most of the time they accepted. I try to make a post twice a day, and show them different things about the company or the shoes. I’ve stressed to my members that pictures do not do these shoes justice, and I’ve posted several videos showing the details and sparkle of the shoes. Below is an example of a video that I have posted.

I also listened to this last week’s conference call, and Jo has some pointers that I thought I would try. I’m currently hosting an online party that ends this Friday. I promoted my party link and informed them that they would be entered into a raffle for a pedicure at a salon of their choice if ordered by Friday. I also had a few customers who I knew wanted a shoe, but they were also waiting on the new styles to come out because they wanted to bundle the order. Yesterday, I messaged those customers privately and offered them free shipping on the shoe they wanted now, so that they could enjoy that shoe without having to wait to see the other styles. That promotion sold 5 shoes yesterday alone! I don’t plan on doing that often because it does cut into my commission, but it was what they needed to push them to complete their order before my online party ended. It also creates loyal customers who will purchase from me in the future.

I also work with mostly guys, and I’ve been showing them the collection and suggest they treat their wife 🤗 Adriana suggested that I offer to have it shipped to me and gift wrap it for them to make it extra special. After proving that to one of my male customers, he loved that idea and ordered right away.

There are more tips and videos that I plan to watch and try some different things later this week! I have been working on a business Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest page but those are not up yet. I hope some of these things may help someone get a boost in sales!

Good luck!